El Reino Unido publica una guía sobre el etiquetado de calorías en el sector de la publicidad fuera del hogar

Etiquetado de alimentos Información nutricional Calorías

El Departamento de Salud y Asistencia Social del Reino Unido have recently published their new guidance in order to help food business operators comply with the provisions under the new Calorie Labelling (Out of Home Sector) (England) Regulations 2021), in order to help food businesses prepare for this Regulation which comes into force from 6 April 2022.

The guidance document outlines information on:

  • The implications for food sold online,
  • The types of business establishments the new Regulation will affect,
  • The types of food which will be affected,
  • Food products that are exempt from the Regulation,
  • How to display the correct calorie information and the requirements of the Regulation,
  • Referencing of portion size on relevant food products;
  • And, how the Regulation will be enforced along with penalties for non-compliance.

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