L'Indonésie a publié une nouvelle réglementation sur les allégations cosmétiques

Réglementation sur les bouteilles de crèmes cosmétiques contenant des nanomatériaux

The newly released regulation (BPOM Decree No. 3 Year 2022) will replace BPOM Decree No. 19 Year 2015. It went into effect directly when signed (7th January 2022), for existing claims were given 12 months to adjust.

The new Decree provides the general principle of allowed claims and a list of allowed claims for each cosmetic. Examples of allowed claims are to maintain skin moistly, and to maintain skin firmness for a moisturizer; to clean body, and to freshen body for a soap.

The list of not allowed claims is also listed. The examples include: anti-irritation, whiten the face, anti-virus, anti microbes, and germicidal.

Contact RegASK to get prepared for potential cosmetics regulatory changes in Indonesia.


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