EFSA have announced a public consultation on the draft scientific opinion on nutrient profiles, the public consultation aims to gather scientific input from other industry and nutrition experts, institutional partners, and stakeholders. This consultation comes after the European Commission committed to adopting a front-of-pack nutritional labeling scheme as part of the Farm- to- Fork Strategy, which aims to promote healthy and sustainable diets in the EU. The European Commission is looking to roll out this scheme by the end of 2022.
As part of this process, the European Commission has asked EFSA to provide a scientific opinion and advice on the nutrients and non-nutrient food components that are important to European Public Health. In response to this EFSA have opened a public consultation to ask experts in the field of nutrition for their input, however, EFSA have noted that the consultation does not look to evaluate or propose any nutrient profiling models that could be adopted.
This will be an important step closer to the EU establishing nutrient profiles for food and front-of-pack labeling but also hopefully look to resolve some of the political controversies around some of the currently used front-of-pack nutrition schemes used by EU member states, such as: “Nutriscore”.
The public consultation runs until 9 January.
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