Von der Vorsorge zur Transparenz: Wie die EU und die USA mit… umgehen
Kosmetik spielt für Millionen von Menschen weltweit eine wichtige Rolle in der täglichen Körperpflege. Ihre Verwendung ist jedoch nicht ohne Risiken für …
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Reg Intelligence: 2024 Trends in the Cosmetic Industry
The cosmetic industry is witnessing a post-pandemic renaissance, with sales on an upward trajectory, set to reach $580 billion by 2027, at a…
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Selling Cosmetics in the US: Top 5 Things You Need to K…
The US beauty and personal care market is one of the largest in the world, with an estimated revenue of $91.41 billion in 2023[1]. The marke…
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10 Things to Know About ESG: A Cosmetics Industry Persp…
Environmental Social Governance, or ESG in short, is a topic we covered extensively in a few posts. In essence, ESG is a framework for evalu…
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The Growing Importance of Regulations in the Cosmetics …
The multi-billion-dollar cosmetics industry is growing exponentially. Research shows that the global cosmetics market will reach an unpreced…
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CosIng: All You Need to Know About the EU Cosmetics Ing…
What is CosIng? CosIng is the official online database for cosmetics ingredients in the EU. It is a glossary of 15,000 common cosmetic ingre…
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EU Cosmetic Ingredients Ban: Implications for US Compan…
This makes it difficult for international companies, especially American companies, to sell cosmetic products in the region, because some co…
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Proposed Legislation Aims to Define “Natural̶…
The Natural Cosmetics Act (NCA), recently introduced in the United States Congress, outlines a potential reconfiguration of regulations gov…
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Selling Cosmetics on Alibaba and Amazon: What You Need …
E-commerce sales are predicted to account for 20 percent of all worldwide retail sales by 2022, and the online beauty category is growing …
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