Thailand Imposes Ban on Sale of Kratom Leaves: MoPH Announces Stringent Legal Measures

Thai Moph Announced The Prohibition On Selling Kratom Leaves & Food Containing Kratom
On December 25, 2023, Thailand’s MoPH published the announcements on the prohibition on selling kratom leaves, or food containing kratom as a raw material or ingredient.
The law intended to protect people from the potential harm of consuming or misusing kratom.
The text clarifies the legal protection for individuals who are prohibited from selling kratom leaves or food containing kratom leaves.
According to the announcement, sellers must post notices or inform customers at the point of sale about the prohibition. The notice should be clearly visible and of an appropriate size, stating that they do not sell kratom leaves or food with kratom leaves as ingredients to persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, and breastfeeding women.
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