Argentina Adds Coenzyme Q10 And Other Four Ingredients to Dietary Supplements

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Recently update of the Dietary Supplement normative (Article 1.381 of the Argentine Food Code: CAA), established the possibility of authorizing other ingredients with a physiological role not contemplated in current regulations.

In this sense, the National Food Commission (CONAL) analysed five ingredients – Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Resveratrol, Coenzyme Q10, and Lycopene – which have extensive evidence of use and proposed their incorporation in Article 1.417 of the C.A.A. as ingredients for use in dietary supplements. These substances are naturally present in foods and have physiological and/or nutritional roles. Their identity, purity, and composition specifications have been referred to international standards.

The draft resolution received a favourable evaluation of experts, it was submitted to a Public Consultation, it was approved, and finally gazetted.

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