Paraguay Publish Draft Regulation on the Requirements for Lactose-Free Foods

Lactose Free Milk Nuts Coconut Almond

The National Institute of Foods and Nutrition (INAN), a branch of the Ministry of Health of Paraguay, launched a public consultation on requirements for modified foodstuffs regarding their lactose content.

The proposal would introduce the specific conditions for products to bear the following claims:

  • Lactose-free: for products with a quantity of lactose not greater than 100 mg in 100 g or ml.
  • Low-lactose: products containing between 100 and 250 mg of lactose in 100 g or ml.
  • Lactose-reduced: the lactose content is from 250 mg to 1 g in 100 g or ml of product.

If approved, it would the draft regulation would enter into enforce 6 months after publication. Comments will be received until 27 December 2021.

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