EU Published Amendments Regarding Reference Points for Nitrofurans and Metabolites in Dairy Products and Other Foods

Carton And Glass Of Milk
The EU has published amendments regarding the Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/411 on 23 February 2023 amending Regulation (EU) 2019/1871 in regards to the reference points for action for Nitrofurans and Metabolites.
This Regulation applies a reference point of action (RPA) of 0.5 μg/kg to nitrofurans and their metabolites. It also provides an exemption from the RPA for semicarbazide (SEM) for gelatine, collagen hydrolysate, hydrolyzed cartilage products, spray-dried blood products, whey and milk protein concentrates, caseinates, and milk powder unless other nitrofurans or their metabolites are found together with SEM in those processed products.
This exemption does not apply to infant formulae and follow-on formulae. The Regulation requires food business operators and other interested parties to provide the European Commission with data and information on investigations on the parameters and factors in the processing steps resulting in the formation of SEM during processing in those processed products by 1 March 2024 and to take measures to reduce the presence of SEM in these products at levels as low as reasonably achievable.
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