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ASA Make Technical Updates to Infant and Follow-on Form…
The UK’s ASA has made technical updates to their advertising code regarding infants and following formula foods and rules. CAP and BCA…
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Food and Nutrition

ANSA Published News on the EU Anti-Waste Label on the E…
ANSA published news on the EU anti-waste label on the expiry date has been postponed.   It was expected among the measures against food was…
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Food and Nutrition

Argentina: Draft Provision on Health Claims for Foods a…
On 14 July 2023, the National Agency for Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) opened a comment period for a Draft Provision ruling the…
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Food and Nutrition

BMEL Federal Minister In Germany: “Too Much Sugar…
“In Germany, too much sugar, fat and salt in the food, even in children’s products.” Federal Minister Özdemir presents sc…
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Food and Nutrition

Italy, First Country in the World, to Ban Synthetic Foo…
MASAF, in a press-realease, published the news about the bill on the ban on the production, use, placing on the market and importation of sy…
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Food and Nutrition

Upcoming Plastic Bans: Australia and New Zealand
APCO has published details on the National Retail Association which is hosting free online webinars to help businesses in different states a…
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Food and Nutrition

US FDA Update on Post-market Assessment of Certain Food…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a public inventory of certain food ingredients that the agency has determined to have u…
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Food and Nutrition

The Philippines Starts the Ban on Trans Fat in Pre-pack…
The use of trans fat in pre-packaged food products is now banned in the country starting Monday, June 19. This policy was implemented to add…
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Food and Nutrition

MFDS Proposed Revision of Standards for Food Additives …
Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) proposed a partial revision of Standards and Specifications for Food Additives for Food throug…
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Food and Nutrition

FSANZ Published a Media Statement on IARC and Joint FAO…
FSANZ CEO, Dr Sandra Cuthbert, has released a statement concerning the current International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and Joint …
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Food and Nutrition