Indonesia Publishes New Food Labelling Regulation

Food Labelling On Can

BPOM has published their new Decree on Food Labelling- Decree No. 21 Year 2021 which revised their previous Decree No. 31 Year 2018 for Food Labelling. Food Business Operators are required to comply with the new Regulation no later than 31 December 2021, for B2B foods- compliance is required no later than 2 August 2022.

The revision of the Decree includes:

Article 6.2: the addition of specific statements for B2B food which excludes food that becomes ingredients of an end food product. A statement is required in the local language translating as: “not for retail sale”, “not for re-packaging”, “only for hotel purpose”, or “only for catering, restaurant, hotel purpose”, or a similar statement.

Article 21: the addition of maximum levels on food additive labels that are for retail sale; additional information on processing aids must also be required and used.

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